Crafting is done using a crafting block. On this page the yellow “tool sack” is used. This is part of the core server and will usually be provided to all new players when they initially spawn. To open the “tool sack” select it in the belt and press either the “third mouse button” (this is usually the wheel) or “E”. This is an overview of the “tool sack” and the rest of the HUD.
To craft something use the crafting area. The result (if the pattern matches a craftable block) is shown in the crafting product area. Click it (with the left mouse button) to craft a full stack. Click it with the right mouse button to craft a single block. The middle mouse button will give you a half stack.
Here are the recipes that comes with the core server running at
. The server is highly customizable so the receipts may change from server to server.
Note: This page is out of date and needs to be updated. Nevertheless, most of the recipes on this page are still valid.