Release 2
written 05 Sep 2015
Release 2
Our second release is all about konstructing (crafting). The automatic stack generation is gone and replaced by konstructing. It is now possible to konstruct all different types of blocks from only a few base blocks. A list of all current recipes are available here.

New features
The client:
- Improved login handling, thanks to Henningstone
- Further performance improvements to chunk loading
- Instant client side block placement
- Improved movement of stacks in inventory
- Support for konstructing
- Support for adding new konstructing recipes via configuration file
The future
Our near terms plans include:
- Extend the server and client to support easy addition of new blocks via plugins
- Add more plugins that interacts with the world (forest, flowers, …)
Long term plans include:
- Extend block format to allow: half blocks, smaller blocks, tools and various block properties
Written by Petter